Hi! My name is Orit.
It’s pronounced aw–reet and it means “my light.”
I share “my light” by spreading as much love as possible, through helping my clients heal old trauma and open their hearts to healthy, lasting relationships.
For almost 30 years, I chose fear over love because of my childhood trauma. I sabotaged my relationships and didn’t believe anyone could truly love me or want to be with me.
As I’ve healed old trauma and softened my guard, my ability to love has expanded. I’m now experiencing even deeper love than I imagined was possible in one lifetime.
Whether you’re monogamous or ethically non-monogamous, I would love to help you reach & enjoy deeper levels of (self) love without fear and sabotage.

Hi! My name is Orit.
It’s pronounced aw–reet and it means “my light.”
I share “my light” by spreading as much love as possible, through helping my clients heal old trauma and open their hearts to healthy, lasting relationships.
For almost 30 years, I chose fear over love because of my childhood trauma. I sabotaged my relationships and didn’t believe anyone could truly love me or want to be with me.
As I’ve healed old trauma and softened my guard, my ability to love has expanded. I’m now experiencing even deeper love than I imagined was possible in one lifetime.
Whether you’re monogamous or ethically non-monogamous, I would love to help you reach & enjoy deeper levels of (self) love without fear and sabotage.

I used to think I was crazy.
My family used to dismiss my pain and told me that I was moody, overreactive, and that I “just want attention.”
If only I knew earlier, I wouldn’t have sabotaged so many past relationships with partners and friends.
It was a HUGE relief to finally understand that I DID experience trauma and I wasn’t just damaged goods. I just needed to rewire my nervous system to get out of overprotection mode and finally enjoy the most amazing relationships I didn’t think were ever possible for me.
I used to think I was crazy.
My family used to dismiss my pain and told me that I was moody, overreactive, and that I “just want attention.”
If only I knew earlier, I wouldn’t have sabotaged so many past relationships with partners and friends.
It was a HUGE relief to finally understand that I DID experience trauma and I wasn’t just damaged goods. I just needed to rewire my nervous system to get out of overprotection mode and finally enjoy the most amazing relationship I didn’t think was ever possible for me.

Healing happens in the body.
We store trauma deep inside our bodies and our nervous system becomes overreactive to the tiniest triggers, as if the danger from the past is still a threat today.
Like when your partner doesn’t text you back and you threaten to break up. It’s an uncontrollable impulsive reaction to the slightest reminder of a time in the past when your needs weren’t acknowledged and you were violated instead.
In order for the body to truly believe it’s safe to trust and love someone, we must access trauma from the non-verbal parts of the brain and release it through the body.

Healing happens in the body.
We store trauma deep inside our bodies and our nervous system becomes overreactive to the tiniest triggers, as if the danger from the past is still a threat today.
Like when your partner doesn’t text you back and you threaten to break up. It’s an uncontrollable impulsive reaction to the slightest reminder of a time in the past when your needs weren’t acknowledged and you were violated instead.
In order for the body to truly believe it’s safe to trust and love someone, we must access trauma from the non-verbal parts of the brain and release it through the body.

It’s not a one-size-fits-all process.
Some of us react more in anger while some of us freeze or completely shut down. That’s why you saw your parents have raging fights, but when it comes to your relationship, you go silent and freeze up when you have conflict with your partner.
If you don’t resolve the past, it’ll keep haunting your body. You can put a band-aid on an infected wound and cover it up but it’ll still fester beneath the surface and keep coming back until you fully clear out the infection.
It’s not a one-size-fits-all process.
Some of us react more in anger while some of us freeze or completely shut down. That’s why you saw your parents have raging fights, but when it comes to your relationship, you go silent and freeze up when you have conflict with your partner.
If you don’t resolve the past, it’ll keep haunting your body. You can put a band-aid on an infected wound and cover it up but it’ll still fester beneath the surface and keep coming back until you fully clear out the infection.

Your healing needs to be safe & sustainable.
Big physical releases, like screaming into a pillow, gives you a short burst of relief, like a high that takes the edge off, but they don’t resolve the underlying issue.
It didn’t matter how many times I screamed and cried at the top of my lungs in my car. I kept coming back to the same question: “I thought I healed my trauma. Why the f@!& is it back again?”
Turns out, I wasn’t a broken person who could never heal or have healthy lasting love. I was following unhelpful advice on social media that kept setting my nervous system back into unhealthy states of fear.
Your healing needs to be safe & sustainable.
Big physical releases, like screaming into a pillow, gives you a short burst of relief, like a high that takes the edge off, but they don’t resolve the underlying issue.
It didn’t matter how many times I screamed and cried at the top of my lungs in my car. I kept coming back to the same question: “I thought I healed my trauma. Why the f@!& is it back again?”
Turns out, I wasn’t a broken person who could never heal or have healthy lasting love. I was following unhelpful advice on social media that kept setting my nervous system back into unhealthy states of fear.

If you’re anything like me, you’ve already tried so many therapies and spent enough time blaming yourself.
There is nothing wrong with you.
You’ve made so much progress and gained so much awareness. Now, you can integrate all that you’ve learned with your body and nervous system.
That’s where I come in and help you fit this last missing puzzle piece.

If you’re anything like me, you’ve already tried so many therapies and spent enough time blaming yourself.
There is nothing wrong with you.
You’ve made so much progress and gained so much awareness. Now, you can integrate all that you’ve learned with your body and nervous system.
That’s where I come in and help you fit this final missing puzzle piece.
“Working with Orit has been the most rewarding step I’ve taken to release my old trauma and move forward without the FREEZE I’ve had for 20 years! Feeling more confident and powerful in myself then I’ve ever felt before!” – Brigid
“Orit is a deeply kind human being who helped me change the firmness in which I place my feet on the earth and the softness in which I hold myself.” – Femke
“I can now access the feeling of being safe, comfortable, confident and happy in my body without shame, anxiety or self-consciousness. This has changed my PTSD journey and my life.“ – Shay