Somatic Retreats

Immersive body-based healing experiences on magical pieces of earth.

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Allow yourself the time away from everyday stressors and become immersed in a therapeutic process that’s proven to change hundreds of people’s lives in just a few days. I intentionally choose locations on Earth that have very special energies to combine natural healing properties with my science-backed process for healing trauma and enhancing relationships.

To build a custom retreat, please click here.

Or click below to learn about Orit’s next planned retreats!

Somatic healing retreat

Yellowstone Somatic Retreat

Find peace in your body; live & love freely without fear in Yellowstone National Park. 3 SPOTS LEFT!

Somatic healing retreat

Machu Picchu Retreat

Release body-stored trauma; embody love & freedom at Machu Picchu.

Polyamory Retreat

A unique somatic healing retreat for Polyamorous folks in Greece.

“My whole life has changed, especially my relationships and my self-worth. My old survival mechanism and wiring was to adapt and submit to others while I abandoned my own needs. I am now taking my life into my own hands and getting the LOVE I deserve.”  – Femke

“I now feel at home and comfortable in my body. I notice when I am triggered and I’m able to take a step back, breathe and take control of my actions. I’m amazed at how strong my boundaries are with my partner and I speak up for myself in a calm and thoughtful way without second guessing or doubting myself. This changed my life!” – Sarah