What is your nervous system and why you NEED to understand it to heal your trauma

By Orit Krug  |  October 22nd, 2019

You must understand your nervous system in order to heal past trauma and save your relationship.

You can think of your nervous system as your body’s alarm system that runs wiring through your brain and through your body.

Your body and your brain are always communicating back and forth to each other. This interaction between body and brain intensifies when there’s a threat or perceived threat in your environment.

A threat or perceived threat in your life might be your partner yelling or public speaking.

Your nervous system’s main job is to warn you of danger and protect you from harm.

It sends signals through these wires which are also connected to your major organs to get your body ready to survive through fight, flight, freeze, or playing dead.

This is why, when you feel anxious, your:

  • Heart rate increases
  • Body heats up and sweat
  • Chest gets constricted and breathing gets more rapid

These are all the things that are working through your system through your wiring to save you from danger or death.

These reactions aren’t rational or conscious. They happen before you can even think about it.

When you’ve been through trauma, your nervous system is on HIGH alert.

A nervous system on trauma is like an alarm system in your house that goes off all the time even when there’s no intruder.

Picture someone walking hundreds of feet away outside of your house and the vibrations of this person’s footsteps set off your home’s alarm system.

That’s what happens in your nervous system when you still have trauma stored in your body.

Get on the right path to healing trauma from your body and nervous system.

Many people spend decades and thousands of dollars in traditional therapies trying to heal their trauma. Unfortunately, even the most popular therapies are scientifically shown to be limited in accessing trauma stored in the non-verbal brain and body.

Even alternative approaches, such as EMDR and Brain Mapping, are often not enough to fully heal from the physical body or the nervous system.

This makes trauma healing a very frustrating journey for so many people. They often blame themselves for being “un-healable” and decide that they’re broken.

This is NOT true!

Every human being is 100% neurophysiologically capable of healing from the past, because we all have wiring and neural pathways that can be rewired from fear and overprotection, to love and openness.

My unique, scientific-backed process via Dance Therapy has helped hundreds of clients finally heal from past trauma and transform their relationship (even after decades of trying in other therapies).

You can heal too, but you need the right methodology.

Sign up for my online course (ranges from free to $20 USD) to begin a unique, body-based learning experience that will teach you:

  • Science-backed education about how trauma is stored in your body and nervous system. You’ll gain an understanding why it has NOT been your fault you haven’t healed yet from past trauma.
  • Gentle, guided body-based movement that is necessary for integrated healing. This is crucial if you want your mind’s intentions to match your body’s behaviors in relationships.
  • An embodied approach to healing that has helped hundreds of clients break unhealthy relationship patterns and let in healthy, lasting love.

Worthy of Love

Click here now to sign up!